Join spiritual medium, Rebecca Rosen, and energy healer, Jakki Leonardini, for a special 90-minute large audience event on Thursday, May 1st at 5:00pm Mountain Time.

You can purchase General Admission tickets through the button below. In order to purchase a limited VIP ticket, click the button below to email Rebecca’s team. From there, we’ll send you a registration form. VIP tickets will be sold first come, first served in the order that email requests are received.

Clear, Connect, and Cocreate: Love and Relationships will focus on the ways that love shows up in our lives, any blocks that we have in giving and receiving it, and how we can manifest more of it in the future.  Through readings and healings, Rebecca and Jakki will help a select number of participants to directly examine any challenges that they may be facing with regard to the relationships in their lives - whether it's romantic, platonic, or familial.  Rebecca's insight from Spirit can bring clarity to those situations, looking at the past, present, and future, while Jakki's work can serve to bring balance, healing, and shift the energy.  Part of the evening will also be designated for audience Q&A around this topic.

While only a handful of attendees will receive direct messages from Jakki and Rebecca, this work will bring forward universal and parallel messages for all who attend.  The insight from Spirit around love and relationships is meant to enlighten all of us, and both Jakki and Rebecca will be presenting tools to the collective, through these readings and healings, to help us continue this work long after the 90-minute session.  General questions will also be available to everyone in attendance, with Rebecca and Jakki responding to written inquiries that can bring about healing, growth, and understanding for all of us.  

If you've ever worked with Rebecca or Jakki before, you know that these events also help us to raise our collective vibrations and match the lighter and brighter 5D and higher frequencies.  In addition to the parallel and universal messages that will come through for the entire group, each person can view this as a kind of "energy attunement," giving all of us the opportunity to align with our higher selves and miracle consciousness.  This means that we'll not only continue to attract more signs and synchronicities in the days ahead, but we'll also feel more empowered to step into our power as an active co-creator of our lives.


  • Introduction

    Opening Meditation

    VIP Readings/Healings

    General Q&A 

    Closing Collective Energy Healing Meditation

  • This event will have five VIP tickets for those attendees that want to receive guaranteed readings and healings.  Only five of those VIP tickets will be sold.  In order to purchase a VIP ticket, email Rebecca’s team through the buttons on this page or at From there, we’ll send you a registration form. VIP tickets will be sold first come, first served in the order that email requests are received.

    All other tickets will be general admission, which will not include direct readings/healings, but will include the parallel and universal messages that come forward.

    Regardless of the ticket tier, all attendees will receive a recording of the event, in case they miss the live showing or want to go back and listen again.  

    VIP Price: $700 (Guaranteed Reading)

    General admission: $99.99