Life is Messy: Set, Act, Ask.
Today, I want to pass this story on to you as I believe it’s a good reminder for all of us to set our intentions, act on them, and then ask for Spirit to help manifest our deepest desires. I love sharing these stories of how I connect with spirits on the Other Side who have poignant messages for the living.
Meeting Us Halfway
Recently, I sat down with eight people who’d all traveled from different parts of the country to join me in Denver for Small Group Reading. The first spirit that came through from the Other Side was a man who identified himself as Michael. An older, female spirit also stepped forward who flashed an oatmeal cookie recipe in my mind. I put the two together and asked, “Who here knows a man Michael who died and also a mother figure who loved oatmeal cookies? She’s showing me the letters, L-N, as in Lynn or…?”
“Oh my God, that’s Linda, my mother-in-law,” said a woman named Jessie from Seattle. She turned to the woman sitting beside her. “We were just talking about her oatmeal cookies. She was known for them and I recently pulled out her recipe.” “She’s here,” I smiled, “and she’s clearly validating that you’ve been thinking about her.” I continued, “And who’s Michael?” “My husband,” Jessie began to tear up.
I mentally asked the spirit of Michael to give me more information and he flashed, the online dating site in my mind. I also saw the number two. I connected the dots and said, “Are you dating again?” Jessie laughed a little nervously. “Um…yes. How does he know about that?”
“Because he’s behind it.” I laughed. “He’s showing me the name Michael again. Not him, but someone else. Someone living. Maybe one of the men you’re dating?” Now, Jessie was wide-eyed. “That’s crazy. I met a Michael online who I really like, but I thought maybe it was too weird, or sad, to date a man with the same name as my late husband.” “Date him!” your husband is saying. “He brought him to you!”
As Jessie considered that her deceased husband was now playing matchmaker on the Other Side, Michael downloaded another image in my mind. “Why is he showing me fairies? Like garden art in your front yard.” Again, Jessie was stunned and turned to her friend who clued me in. “She has little fairy statues all throughout her yard!”
Jessie explained, “I JUST put them in my yard to remind myself to play. I’ve been grieving for so long now, and I finally feel like I’m ready to move on. To have more fun in my life. To live again.” “Your husband’s validating this and he’s meeting you halfway. He feels and knows that you’re ready to let go and he’s helping from the Other Side to bring you a new love.”
“Our prayers and intentions are powerful and the departed feel and answer them.”
When we take steps towards acting on our heartfelt intentions, Spirit will meet us halfway to manifest what we most desire. The song You Can’t Rush Your Healing by Trevor Hall reminds me of Jessie’s story. We all suffer, grieve, and heal in our own way and in our own time. Each of our lives is unfolding just as it should. No one’s timeline is better or more on track than another. Jessie grieved for as long as she needed and when she was ready to turn the page from darker to lighter days, her departed husband and the Universe conspired to help her.
Set Your Intention, Act, and Ask
Become as clear as you can on what you want to manifest in your life. Focus on the ‘what’ and the ‘why’—what you want and whyyou want it. For example, Jessie’s ‘what’ was a new love in her life and her ‘why’ was a renewed sense of fun, play, and joy from releasing her grief. Set your intention and then take action. Do your part to make it happen. If you want to meet someone, put yourself out there! Then, ask Spirit to meet you half way to help manifest your deepest desires at the right time. (Our minds tend to get ahead of the pace of the Universe.) While you wait, ask your guides to send you signs and confirmation that they’re working with you to bring about your ‘what’ and ‘why.’ Finally, surrender the ‘how’ and ‘when’; trust and remain confident that what you desire is on the way. Ask: God, guides, and Spirit, fill me with patience and trust that what I most desire will be delivered, in divine timing.
Want More Inspiration and Insight?
In my latest book, What The Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well, I share more about intention setting and manifesting and how YOU, too, can receive more of what you want in your life. If you already have a story about manifesting change in your life, I invite you to share it in the comments below. And if you feel guided to share Jessie’s story with a friend or loved one who may be served by this message, please pass it along!