Why Souls Choose Difficult Lives: Understanding Earth Angels

In my work as a spiritual medium, I've often been asked why a soul would choose to live a short or traumatic life. The answer I've received from Spirit over the years is profound and humbling. There are incredibly brave, evolved souls—what I sometimes call "earth angels"—who willingly take on difficult life experiences to aid in the growth and evolution of their soul family. These earth angels might be born with physical or mental challenges, or they might experience a life that ends abruptly due to tragic circumstances. Despite the hardships, these souls know, on a deeper spiritual level, that there is no true death—only a transformation of energy. Their difficult journeys are designed not only for their own soul growth but also to teach those around them important lessons about faith, trust, and the power of love.

I onced worked with a client who lost two of her sons in their teenage years, a heartbreaking experience that was, as Spirit explained, part of a larger soul contract. Her first son, who passed away at 16 from cerebral palsy, and her second son, who later died of an overdose at 23, both played crucial roles in their family's spiritual journey. The first son came through in a reading to express that his early departure was divinely planned to help his family learn deep lessons about faith. Even though the second son struggled with survivor's guilt and fell into despair, both sons are now working together from the spirit world to support their living brother. This surviving son is carrying on their legacies, thriving despite the pain, and helping to heal the family karma. The experiences of this family remind us that even in the face of unimaginable loss, the bonds of love and the lessons of the soul continue to guide us, both in life and beyond.

9 Lives: The Spirit of The Enneagram

Meditation Series for calling back energy

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