Make the Connection

The Spirit of The Enneagram!

The 9 Lives Program will be there for you during each challenge, milestone, relationship, and achievement.


9 Lives shows you the aspects that live within all of us and how they present for you. In learning more about your true nature, you can begin to see the difference between reacting and responding, surviving and thriving. This interactive program allows you to see that there is a choice that lies between the two and that you can make conscious decisions to respond to all that your soul contract entails.

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 Join spiritual medium, Rebecca Rosen, and energy healer, Jakki Leonardini, for a two-part series around healing your energy and aligning with your higher self.  


Free Meditation

Are you seeking guidance in connecting to spirit? You can begin by setting an intention. Sign up for my weekly newsletter for details on how you can connect. And to get you started, I am giving you a free meditation!

Want to connect with me individually?

These sessions are designed for anyone who is looking for an individual appointment with Rebecca. Not only can these include a mediumship reading, connecting you with departed loved ones, guides, and angels, but also psychic guidance to help with decision-making and navigating present situations, and mediumship mentorship for those who may be looking to advance their own gifts.

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Your Journey Starts Here

For over 20 years, I have been developing and growing a connection to spirit, and I am grateful to be a bridge between worlds for so many of you. But it is also part of my mission to teach you how to do this too! I often tell my clients and audiences that no one is closer to your departed loved ones than you. Your connection was always there, and will always remain, just in a different form. I am happy to share the tools and practices that I have learned from spirit to help you continue that connection and build authentic faith.


See Rebecca Live 


What's New

For the past two decades, I have served as an ambassador between the spirit world and our day-to-day world—relaying wisdom and insight from angels, guides and those who have passed on to people seeking answers in the here and now.
